Taxi to MAK (Kaohsiung)

42 Chiacheng Road, Dashe District
Kaohsiung 81546, TAIWAN

Phone: 07 356 1190  (x14 Sue/Cindy or x12 Bill)

Driving Instructions from the HSR (Tsoying station) to MAK:

  1. Take Freeway 10 driving eastward toward Chi-Shan. Exit at Yen-Chao, turn left at the bottom of the exit ramp.
  2. Turn left again at the next traffic light, driving towards Nan Tze.
  3. After passing the gas stations on both sides, turn left again at the next T-shaped intersection.
  4. Keep driving for about 1 km, you will see “台糖橫山加油站”(gas station) on the right and”傑笙樂園/觀音山金寶塔入口”on the left, turn left and follow the signs to go towards “傑笙樂園”.
  5. After passing some graves and driving about 500 meters, you’ll see Morrison Academy-Kaohsiung Campus on the left.

“Please drive me to Morrison Academy. The address is 42 Chiacheng Road, Dashe, Kaohsiung. Thank you!”


Phone: 07 356 1190  (x14 or x12)

  1. 上國道10號往旗山方向(東),在燕巢交流道(燕巢)出口下交流道,向左轉,朝鳳東路/台22線前進。(沿路的紅綠燈柱上都有高雄馬禮遜學校的指標)
  2. 於第一個紅綠燈路口轉左,朝鳳東路/台22線,朝楠梓方向前進。
  3. 約200公尺之後,於第一個紅綠燈路口轉左,走和平路一段/高50鄉道。
  4. 直行一公里後,看到右邊”台糖橫山加油站”,左邊有”傑笙樂園/觀音山金寶塔入口”的指標時,左轉至嘉誠路往”傑笙樂園” 方向行。
  5. 順著路走,會經過一些墳墓。之後約500公尺即可抵達高雄馬禮遜學校。

“請載我去大社的馬禮遜美國學校. 地址: 高雄市大社區嘉誠路42號. 謝謝!”